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Lazy Sunday Breakfast

Sometimes you want to make something a little different, maybe for a stay-at-home lazy morning with the family. I have the perfect thing for you. I call it, "Extra Crunchy French Toast!" It is an elevation from regular French Toast, as you will see in the steps below. It is a special treat in my house, because it tends to be a carb overload. And then we all want to take a fat nap afterwards. But, still delicious and also fun to get the kids involved.


Magic Bullet (or blender)

Honey Nut O's or any sweet cereal you have in the house will do

Slices of bread




Powdered sugar

Fresh berries

Start with you Magic Bullet and get your cereal ground up into tiny crumbs. If you don't have a Magic Bullet, a blender may work, but I have not tried. I like the small size of my bullet and the ease in cleaning it. Blenders can be bulky and annoying sometimes.

I used organic Honey Nut O's I buy at Aldi. I always try to stock my pantry with healthier versions of things, instead of full on sugar, artificial colors, and sweeteners.

But, I know how motherhood can be, with your kid crying in the store pulling at your dress, kicking and screaming for that bright pink flourescent colored cereal filled with marshmallows or whatever. Kudos to all that marketing which actually works! But BOO for us, since sugary cereals are placed at kid's eye level. It puts the kid in charge of grabbing the box and chucking it into our cart without us seeing.

If you happen to have these non-nutritional cereals in your cupboard, use them up now and don't buy them again. Next time, rise above, and make a better choice, Momma! Maybe don't go down that aisle in the store with your kid, order online, or go grocery shopping alone. (Ah, what a dream! Grocery shopping alone.) We are in charge of what goes in our kids' mouths, not them. We hold the wallet, not them. Get healthy, get going, and get delicious food! Okay, stepping off my soapbox now.

From cereal to sweet crumbs, this makes a fine coating for your Extra Crunchy French Toast. And this is a step the kids will have fun doing.

Next, crack the eggs into their own bowl and mix in about 1 Tbsp of vanilla and a few hefty sprinkles of cinnamon. Mix it up and it will look like this. I used 6 eggs for 6 pieces of bread.

Then you want to set up your workstation to flow like this: bread, egg dip, cereal crumb dip, hot skillet. In that order, or else it will be a drippy mess! Be sure to warm the skillet before you start. You can use cooking spray, but real butter works so much better for this and crisps it up!

This works with any type of bread. I did Keto bread for my husband, gluten-free for me, and whole wheat for my son. Dip both sides in the egg mixture, dip both sides into the cereal crumbs, and then heat them up on the griddle. Flip and be sure to cook both sides.

As I made them I would keep them warm in my oven at a low temperature of 200 degrees F. This was also a great way to get them extra crispy. There was a big difference between those that were warm in the oven and those that were hot off the griddle. My husband actually liked the ones out of the oven best, if you want to take that extra step.

Sprinkle with a little powdered sugar, fresh fruit, a dash of maple syrup, or whatever you like on your Extra Crunchy French Toast. Happy Cooking!

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