Here is another winning recipe that hit it out of the ballpark with my three-year-old. Healthy Mac-N-Cheese without the cheese. Yup, you heard me. Keep reading & you will see the light...

So, nobody liked the butternut squash I steamed last night (including me), so I re-purposed it.

Add it to a saucepan & smash with a fork over low heat. #ButternutSquash

All the way smashed, so there are no lumps. This is magically going to morph into your "cheese sauce." Stay with me.

Add a big glob of real butter. No measurements needed, just use your Mommy instinct.

And a splash of half & half. Add enough so it gets a little loose, but not too soupy. It will thicken as it heats, but do not stop stirring. #HorizonOrganic #HalfandHalf

Once it looks like cheese sauce, you are ready to add some seasonings.

Salt, pepper, & garlic: That's it! These are my trifecta of spices I use in every recipe. No need to measure, just go by taste. However much you like & keep stirring. #RealSalt #BlackPepperGrinder #GarlicPowder

Add your pre-cooked pasta & veggies from the night before or freshly made. Whichever! This pasta is gluten-free, but you can use any kind you like. #GlutenFree #WholeWheat #SpiralNoodles #Pasta

Stir into "cheese" sauce over low heat until it is all coated. You can cover with a lid for about 2 minutes, but keep a watchful eye it does not dry out. If so, add more half & half.

Serve & enjoy! My three-year-old tore it up, so I hope your kids do too! Be sure to post your version on social so I can see your recipe. Follow me and I will follow back!