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Best Face Soap Ever!

I have been taking better care of my skin as I get older, which has served me well in this decade of life. I do believe it is never too late to start. However, I wish I took even better care of my skin in my early thirties and used less chemicals.

And if I had the opportunity to speak to my 30-year-old self I would say the following:

  • Find the most organic, all-natural products you can

  • Build a network of like-minded friends who share your same healthy interests

  • Support local products that help your life goals and promote your health

  • And stop buying products from the mall and big business conglomerates

All of these are true for me today. I used to work in the mall at Bath & Body Works where I became obsessed with certain scents. I made sure to save my coupons and do the "Buy 2 Get 3 Free Sale" every single time to stock up. I thought I was taking care of my body and my skin with these super scented products.

I did not realize they were full of preservatives, chemicals and hormone disruptors. Yes! Hormone disruptors! I did struggle with fertility issues before having my son and I certainly contribute it to those products. I am saying this in hindsight, and had I known while I was using them, I would have stopped much sooner. So please look into the ingredients you are putting on your skin. Do your own research and be your own health advocate. Truth be told, the big companies are all about money and not looking out for your health.

Although Mom taught me to always remove my make-up before bed I have certainly followed through. But I have not always cleaned my face before bed with a good cleanser. I have jumped from department store cleaners to whatever is on sale in the pharmacy. Sometimes, I would take off my make-up then just rinse my face with water. That isn't good enough.

Finally, I found the Best Face Soap Ever! Thanks to my friend from my Mommy Group, Bri Thomas, of Breeze Soaps. She makes her own soaps in her workshop and uses only quality all-natural ingredients. I call this the Best Face Soap Ever because through my many years of using face products and trial and error, nothing has left my skin this amazing!

What do I mean by amazing? Well, it feels tighter, smoother, and when I look in the mirror the puffiness under my eyes is flatter. I am using this soap every night in the shower. And I feel it is making my skin better. I wake up refreshed and feel like my bags and dark circles are clearing up. And my face is less oily and feels much more hydrated at the same time. It truly is my Best Face Soap Ever and I think I always want to have it in my life. I hope you bring it into yours. Thank you, Bri! Get yours here on Etsy:

And also take a look at the ingredients of all your other products. It has taken me about three years to completely transform all of my beauty products to healthy and natural ones. Think about everything we use: make-up, lotions, soaps, shampoo, conditioner, fragrances, make-up remover, deodorant, and every single thing you put on your skin. The task can seem daunting and is probably why it has taken me so long. But honestly, there is no time limit on it. Just starting with the simplest thing as changing to the Best Face Soap Ever is a step in the right direction.

Once you visit Breeze Soaps you will also see she sells body butter and body soaps. I use them all and love them all! I will be doing more posts about how I switched to natural and organic products throughout the month. So be sure to subscribe on my homepage and enter your email at www.MyRockerbeez.com I hope you love the soap as much as I do! XOXO

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