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10 Tricks to Keep Kids Safe This Halloween

1. Wear comfy shoes so they don't get blisters

2. Children under 12 should always be accompanied by an adult

3. Make sure kids have the correct size costume to avoid any trips and falls

4. Offer glow sticks, battery operated string lights, or flashlights to heighten their visibility to cars

5. Use reflective tape on the back of costumes and heels of shoes. If they own a pair of light up shoes, even better!

6. Never enter a stranger's home

7. Cross the street at corners using crosswalks and traffic lights

8. Don't text and walk! Make sure electronic devices are tucked away or left at home. Keep your head up and stay alert. Cell phones are a huge distraction when trying to walk around safely.

9. Before crossing in front of a vehicle, teach kids to make eye contact with the driver or get their attention before crossing.

10. When driving, back up slowly and carefully pull out of driveways and hard to see dark spots. Check all blind spots above and beyond just using your back-up camera.

These tips courtesy of "Safe Kids Worldwide." I hope you all have a very safe & Happy Halloween!

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